DFD choose Insight for power battery project

Release time:2024-02-29

In mid-January 2024, Insight Scientific Technology successfully bid on the DFD New Energy's project for an annual production capacity of 8GWh of power batteries, providing a variety of equipment for the latter part of the large cylindrical production line. This marks the first shot fired for the new year!


In recent years, Insight Scientific Technology has been focusing on the latter part of lithium battery production lines, including visual inspection and measurement, electrical performance measurement, high-speed automatic sorting, and packaging equipment. Through close cooperation with leading companies in the lithium-ion power battery sector in recent years, Insight Scientific has accumulated rich experience and mature technology in the design, manufacturing, commissioning, and operation and maintenance services of automated production and testing equipment in the lithium-ion battery sector, winning high recognition from top companies such as ATL, EVE, and HiThium. Since taking on the domestic and global first 46 large cylindrical backend production line in July 2022, Insight Scientific has subsequently received orders for more than ten production lines from multiple leading lithium battery companies over the past year and a half.


Insight Scientific's accumulation of technology and experience on the large cylindrical lithium battery production line has won high recognition from the DFD team. This time, DFD New Energy launched an 8GWh power battery project at its headquarters base in Henan Province, and Insight Scientific Technology participated in various equipment for the latter part of the production line, including rotary machines, insertion machines, OCV (Open Circuit Voltage), DCIR (Direct Current Internal Resistance), disassembly of blocking plates, sorting, and more. Based on large cylindrical lithium-ion batteries, the two parties will continue to deepen cooperation in the automation equipment for the latter part of pouch battery.

Next:46-cylindrical production line, Further big PO from top Li-ion Battery Player

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